Ukraine: Listen to the Final Version of ‘Vidkryvai’ here!

Earlier in the Junior Eurovision season, Ukraine selected Oleksandr Balabanov as their representative for this year’s contest with the song Vidkryvai. Now, the revamped version of the song has been released, alongside the official lyric video.

The revamped version of the song was played for the first time on UA: Radio Promin, a radio station of the Ukrainian broadcaster UA:PBC. General Producer of UA: Radio Promin, Maksym Yakoveko commented on the debut, saying ‘UA: Radio Promin has supported winners of the national selection for the Junior Eurovision before, and we are ready to continue being a platform for growing talents. Oleksandr is a talented singer with great potential on an international stage. Meanwhile, UA: Radio Promin will do its utmost for him to be popular within our country’

Oleksandr talked about his entry, saying his entry, which translates to Open Up, encourages people to open up for the world and it’s possibilities, to never be afraid despite difficulties. Since being selected to represent Ukraine, Oleksandr has been busy preparing for Junior Eurovision, including doing a photo shoot.